Elvis Costello the Imposters at the Palladium the Center for the Performing Arts November 16
Elvis Costello Reviews
Indie & RockConcerts
Average customer review: (2.7 Stars)
Number of reviews: 34
Glenn Bergum from Minneapolis, Minnesota
EC Nonetheless ROCKING
Oh come on! Is anyone really going to hate an Elvis Costello concert. He was in fine phonation with plenty of free energy. He played a nice mix of new stuff and erstwhile classics. Steve Nieve was yet great on the keys. He played for almost 3 hours, including a couple encores. He finished up with Peace, Love and Understanding. It's pretty hard to shell that. He had a couple gals singing backup which kept things lively. It was the usual bang-up EC show.
Don from Minneapolis, Minnesota
Dave Parker from Oakland, California
Fantastic set up, at the amazing Play a trick on Theatre. Spare stage, emphasis on music. Great to run into Steve and Pete even so in fine form. Opened the bear witness with a Rockpile tune, and played a real eclectic fix. Loved the new version of Brilliant Mistake. Awesome to run across him again afterward all these years.
Karen from San Francisco, California
I love Elvis, just unfortunately his songs sounded really muddled tonight. I kept moving to find better sound and finally a skilful spot downstairs virtually iii/4 of the way through. Enjoyed it so much more after that.
Bruce T from Los Angeles, California
Well the homo is a legend and I personally think one of the greatest songwriters of our generation. He has an amazing vocalism specially after all these years. There were points where he did get a little pitchy every bit ane of the other reviewers mentioned. I think this might exist more about him irresolute the vocal arrangements to keep information technology fresh for him. I am a huge fan and love his voice and songs. I wish that he would accept played 1 or 2 of the classics in the original arrangements but I know he must be tired of playing the old hits. Over all smashing show
Elvis fan from Memphis, Tennessee
EC Vox WAS Amazing
Elvis still has it! 3 hours of free energy and great music. The downside was that the sound organisation wasn't fix properly with an over abundance of bass which made it rather crude to mind to the offset sixty percent of the concert. Luckily the bass was prepare so high that feedback was occurring and the sound techs finally figured out to brand an adjustment which made the latter role of the concert much more pleasant. Merely the musicians and backup singers were awesome, Elvis was amazing losing very petty of his vocalisation from his prime number. All in all, information technology was peachy to run across him, and he is however amazing.
Elvis fan from Memphis, Tennessee
EC Phonation WAS Astonishing
Elvis still has it! 3 hours of free energy and great music. The downside was that the audio system wasn't set up properly with an over abundance of bass which made it rather rough to mind to the first 60 per centum of the concert. Luckily the bass was set so high that feedback was occurring and the audio techs finally figured out to make an adjustment which made the latter office of the concert much more than pleasant. But the musicians and backup singers were awesome, Elvis was astonishing losing very piffling of his voice from his prime. All in all, it was not bad to see him, and he is still amazing.
Sam from Kentucky
Born in the UK with my teenage years in the 70'southward, Elvis was a hero of mine, nevertheless I never attended whatever concerts of his in the UK, all these years later and at present resident in KY, I ventured terminal minute to watch him, I was in the gods and then the sound and sync were certainly not assisting in anyhow and when singing along found myself a couple of words ahead, nonetheless he's earned his stripes and can sing at any pace he likes, he'due south however the human being. The one slight grievance, he said trust him, he will play everything, no Chelsea or Olivers Army:(
Andrew from Baltimore, Maryland
We drove from Maryland to see EC in the Indianapolis area. We saw him earlier this summer at The Imperial theater in Gettysburg, PA. He toured with Blondie during the summer, generally playing amphitheaters. That show was a night 'off' between dates with Blondie. We felt lucky to go tickets to the show in such an intimate space. That prove would become v plus stars. Great sound, presentation and set up list. The above-mentioned show was and then good, and knowing that this end-of-twelvemonth solo tour was coming up nosotros searched for a testify/date that nosotros could get to. The Palladium show fit the nib. The show started only after 8pm and went directly through without an encore. The songs of the encore that we saw in Gettysburg were incorporated into the end of this Palladium prove. The backup singers were a pleasant and welcome surprise in Gettysburg and nosotros were glad to come across them once more here. The Imposters seemingly can play whatever song every bit they displayed through more twenty songs.
Toby from Kansas Urban center, Missouri
Saw Elvis Costello yesterday (8/27/21) at the Uptown Theatre. I am not certain what I idea of it. It started at vii:15 and got over at ix:20. The normal pb guitar histrion was not able to be with them so Charlie Sexton. He is a slap-up guitar role player, simply non sure how much of the songs were new to him. The timing seemed off - but I can understand that. He played a half dozen of his hits and they were well received. Elvis made a annotate that he unremarkably won't do Allison considering he can't exercise the guitar piece of work, "Only Charlie can..." and then they launched into it. They inverse the name of the band from the Imposters to the Layabouts because of Charlie. Elvis told a story about his dad, Ross McManus, used the name of the Layabouts considering he couldn't recording obligations. I am glad I went. I exercise wish he would accept played the Kansas City vocal he knows - Liberty Street from The New Basement Tapes. He probably doesn't accept much opportunity to play a KC song in KC. I also would take liked to hear songs like Ship Edifice, Motel Matches, just he played others that were very good to hear. The big tour starts in over a month so this and Omaha were more warm upwards concerts (I am guessing).
Annonymous from Vancouver, British Columbia
The sound was terrible and ECs vocals were quite often off cardinal. Indeed the backup singers saved the day! Would have enjoyed hearing more of his older hits. Queen E is a great venue and I've seen many fantastic concerts there but this was not one of them.
Franco DiSalvo from Vancouver, British Columbia
Start Fourth dimension WITH ELVIS - GUTSY Functioning ALL CONSIDERDED
I was really looking forward to seeing Elvis Costello. I have been a big fan for a very long fourth dimension only for one reason or the other, never made information technology to any of his shows. The sound, especially the vocals were horrible. There is no excuse in this day and age. The QE Theatre generally has good acoustics. Granted EC was struggling with a cold and coming off a long tour, but the vocals were inaudible. He also had to undergo cancer handling in July, so he pulled off a gutsy operation. His artistic flair is still evident, although I wish he had stuck to his original versions. The fans leaving early on was distracting and I couldn't help but feel that EC deserved ameliorate. His set last nearly 3 hours which is unheard of these days. The back up singers saved the performance for the nigh function. They were incredible. Elvis Costello is a great performer and Canadian. Yeah, I hope to see him once more.
Lisa from Los Angeles, California
Nosotros were in the second to final row. Living with (and attended with) an audiophile bf I've come to exist quite sound sensitive and immediately knew something was up with the acoustics. Although, not sure who to arraign - Venue or sound crew. Found ourselves enduring the show and leaving earlier encore. And then not similar us being huge live music and Elvis Costello fans!
Jonathan from Vancouver, British Columbia
It's going to be pretty tough to please everyone when your career spans twoscore years, but we were hoping to hear some of the seventy's and 80's stuff played in the original arrangements. Didn't really care for the somewhat 'wanky' departures during classics like Watching the Detectives, and those fill-in singers were completely unnecessary. Elvis is all the same a manner crawly cat though, then cool to encounter him notwithstanding rockin' it!
from Vancouver, British Columbia
Dainty that Elvis sang a long (two hr 45 min) show despite battling a bad common cold. Much of his singing was pitchy and froggy. (I empathize the frogginess, just does a common cold make y'all get off pitch?) His vocals improved as the night went on. Weird rendition of Watching the Detectives, skilful versions of Pump Information technology Up and What so Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding. Great band (love Pete Thomas's drumming). Thanks god for the dorsum upwards singers. Elvis did offer some great tortured-sounding guitar leads. I think if he wasn't sick this would exist a 4 star (or even five) star prove.
MatWin from Vancouver, British Columbia
His phonation was not upwards to par. The audio could have been improve. All the energy came from the two back up singers who were great. Did non stay for the encore, which is a first.
Taps from Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Imposters are grand musicians, as is EC, and the redundancy singers were bully. The few rockers that they played, that did not depend on EC'southward vocals, were proficient, 'High Fidelity', etc..., and especially the closing 'Peace, Love & Understanding' were fantastic. Unfortunately EC doesn't have the vocalisation whatsoever more. His ballads are difficult to sing in general, in terms of pitch and phrasing, and it'southward too bad that EC can't really sing his own ballads any more. And the matter with his songs, is no one could really do his ballads justice. I dearest a ton of EC's ballads, but if he tin't do them any more and no i else can, and so I will but have to live in the past.
Deb from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Was quite excited to run into Elvis Costello live for the 1st time. Sound quality was so bad we left half way through. Information technology was like trying to understand Dylan, muffled, garbled, and difficult to sympathise. Merely his guitar shined through most of it.
Cheryl from Frankfort Kentucky
I LOVE Elvis but the audio was so horrible i walked out hoping he would fire the sound human being. Doesnt someone walk effectually to see if the audio is clear. We litterally had zero articulate songs
Large D from Vancouver, British Columbia
I love Elvis...I've seen him many times...but last night was kind of sad. Really bad sound, and Elvis was struggling to striking the notes and fifty-fifty sing on key. I promise it was considering of his cold but the free energy was low and overall Imwas disappointed.
Neil from NV from Vancouver, British Columbia
A for effort to Elvis and the Imposters. They played for almost 3 hours, merely Elvis was contesting a common cold and the the concert featured probably the worst sound I've ever heard - and judging from the other comments posted hither and the number of people leaving the concert at different points in the night, it wasn't simply me and my guest. All very surprising because the QE Theatre normally has decent acoustics. Unfortunately, the poor sound and Elvis's strained vocals won out. Ironically, the two back up singers stole the limelight. They provided pretty much the simply action taking place on phase and displayed wonderful vocal prowess when permitted, but they were also a jarring dissimilarity to the otherwise staid ring members. Compassion, it had the makings of a great testify.
Jade from Vancouver, British Columbia
I love Elvis and have seen him 6 times. I hope his struggle to hit the notes was due to a cold and not him losing what was once such a peachy voice. The sound was merely awful and stayed that way throughout the dark. Elvis, get a amend sound guy! The only spark came from the two back up singers who were also hard to hear due to the audio organization . Even the amazing Steve Nieve's playing sounded tinny. And then disappointing.
James Buckwalter from Madison Indiana
I concur with the other reviewers who were disappointed in the sound quality. With only four instruments on stage at a time, they should all have been every bit clear as bells, only instead they all washed together, and the sound was muddy enough that it was difficult to hear how the base and the piano and the guitar fit together. Whose fault is this? Is it the sound people who travel with Elvis C. or the people at the Palace who dropped a heavy wet blanket on the whole musical experience?
from Providence, Rhode Island
VERY UNEVEN Functioning
I've seen Elvis Costello more times than I can remember since the lxx's, starting at Rhode Isle Higher, and traveling back and forth to venues in every decade since. I've seen him play aroused (even though he isn't any more..) I've seen him play drunk, not feeling well from illness, and everything in betwixt. This performance, in my stance was a moody, VooDooish , Halloweenie kinda vibe and very hard to get into. Something more than acoustics was in play here. At times he could barely warble a judgement, other times he sounded similar he did in his 20's. I get it...Nosotros're much older now. It doesn't excuse poor, sound adjustments, rambling songs just wandering into who knows where, and vilifying corking songs and turning them into throw abroad'due south I've never accepted the" tired of playing them" excuse. With a itemize equally large and varied as the band has that doesn't cutting information technology. He was very engaging, the extra guitar was great but It was the first time I ever left a Costello show before it was over.
Joey from Boston
I have seen Elvis many times and concluding night's evidence was the well-nigh disappointing by far. My first fourth dimension at Providence Performing Arts, I was wowed by the beauty of the place. But the sound system was atrocious. Over one/2 the concert was simply i loud bass thud with the vocals often inaudible. I don't know whether it was because of the sound or monitors merely it was the least energetic I accept e'er seen him. His voice was oftentimes pitchy and his timing was consistently backside the band's playing. I felt he was simply going through the motions with a few exceptions....King of America and I Want You come to mind. And the poor guy must be so bored playing Pumping it Up, Watching the Detectives, and Peace Loving and Understanding equally his encore (I think it was every other fourth dimension I've seen him, as well). I can't help just wonder if he takes information technology easy in smaller cities and then he tin can rock harder in bigger ones. Such a mediocre mode to experience a beautiful concert hall. Is the audio there always that bad?
Eugeria from Providence, Rhode Island
Band tight, peachy fix listing, terrible, and I mean terrible, job projecting Elvis's voice. Completely muddy, unintelligible and buried by the band. Very disappointing concert.
Tracy from San Francisco, California
The sound was awful, really horrible, so bad tried moving about the theatre & couldn't notice anywhere that wasn't blench worthy. People complained & walked out. In that location was no energy even when he played his old time hits. It felt unrehearsed, his tone was atrocious, the bass was deafening & non necessarily because of volume. The rhythms were off. ….. no depth, his voice was mostly off, total lack of energy. What a deplorable functioning. A waste matter of time & energy. I'g a long fourth dimension fan & I've seen his live performances in the past ….. I walked out afterwards an hr of what felt like an assault on my ears.
James Martin from Vancouver, British Columbia
This is the 3rd time I've seen Elvis C and I have to say, I was very disappointed. I now read from other reviews that he was contesting a cold, which explains some of the poor quality vocals and sound. We left afterward song five and cut our losses. I'thou going to get out my retention of the last 2 concerts and endeavour to erase this 1. I appreciated the early night, so every cloud has a silver linning.
Jennifer from Vancouver, British Columbia
Muddy sound really ruined the show. Need to rent some decent sound men because an creative person of this stature should audio so much amend. Could non understand vocals at all. His guitar playing was splendid but overall a very amateur show
Donn B from Northern Ca.
Striking THE EXIT After iii SONGS
Long fourth dimension fan however we couldn't make out any of the words and were very disappointed. Iii songs and we decided information technology well-nigh likely would not ameliorate so nosotros headed back to our room.
Connie from Louisville, Kentucky
Hated it! Sad.
Symon from Providence, Rhode Island
This may be an unfair review considering I did not run into the entire performance. I was excited to see Elvis subsequently nigh xx years (I first saw him at Brown University in 1978). Charlie Sexton's inclusion in the band was also a huge plus. I have always loved his piece of work. At about 7:xl the bear witness started. The sound quality was terrible! (to the bespeak where it took half a minute to figure out what song Elvis was singing ("Is that Green Shirt?")). The band was lost in a muddy mix with some sort of bass fog permeating it. This improved somewhat over the side by side few songs but I then was treated to a run of four songs that left me cold. Either Side of the Same Town, Hetty O'Hara Confidential, Hey Clockface / How Tin can Yous Face Me? &The Death of Magic Thinking. The crowd seemed to appreciate them which I institute baffling. This was followed past (The Angels Wanna Clothing My) Red Shoes. An excellent early on song! Elvis was off key and his timing was off. This was followed by Stations of the Cantankerous and my difference. Perhaps my feelings were exaggerated subsequently seeing Midge Ure play a flawless solo acoustic set to nigh 75 people in Boston the nighttime before. Perfect vocals, an excellent prepare list & great in between song insight into the songs. The contrast to that outcome and what took place at the PPAC last night was immense.
J.t. from Indianapolis, Indiana
Horrible Sound!!! WTF...people payed over $70.00 and no one does a sound check? The set listing was for someone...but non for me....perhaps for Eastward.C. 5th show I have seen of his over the years...extremely disappointed. I stuck it because...because it was E.C. Several people left. I don't think there will be a sixth show. M.O.O.
Jolly Brown from San Francisco, California
Nosotros walked out after 3 songs as the sound team for Elvis was a shade bit worse than terrible! NEVER COME SEE ELVIS AGAIN! AND PROBABLY NEVER Once more TO THE FOX!
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