Is the We Meet Again Quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Glitched

Title Screen

Xenoblade Chronicles two

Developer: Monolith Soft
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: December 1, 2017

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

A boy, his Blade, and his landlord travel a dying world, where anybody is British, to reach Elysium. It's too the sequel to the love Wii JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles, if the title didn't tip y'all off already.

Remember you can have it? Yous won't forget information technology.


To practice:
  • In that location are a lot of unused files found within the bf2 files of the game. (source)
  • Vocalization clips with filenames of the form "xx660201.nop" might be unused. They're next to Merc Mission clips, and they audio like they might be used when disengaging (Ursula says "Information technology's a break from all the fighting, at least,") but I've never heard them under any circumstances. Are they unused?


  • i Sub-Pages
  • 2 Insta-impale Button Combination
  • 3 Unused Enemies
    • 3.1 Unique Enemies
      • 3.ane.1 Rambunctious Valcro
      • iii.ane.two Relentless Armatan
      • 3.1.iii Unused Bandits
    • 3.2 Unused Enemy Summons
  • four Unused Items
  • 5 Unused Text
    • 5.ane Hidden Ending Captions
      • Mythra and Pyra
      • 5.i.2 "Ane Last You" Lyrics
    • five.2 Pneuma Skill Descriptions
    • 5.3 Inaccessible Weapon Names
    • 5.4 Stunned Swallow Effect Description
  • six Unused Enemy Arts
    • six.1 Unique Unused Arts
    • half dozen.2 Unused Art Variations
  • 7 Unused Sounds
    • Unused Poppi α Intonations
    • vii.2 Callouts for Unusable Blade Arts
  • 8 Revisional Differences
    • 8.ane Version ane.1.0
    • 8.ii Version i.ane.1
    • 8.three Version 1.two.0
    • 8.4 Version 1.iii.0
    • 8.5 Version 1.3.1
    • 8.six Version 1.4.0
    • 8.vii Version i.4.1
    • 8.8 Version ane.v.0
    • viii.9 Version ane.5.1
    • 8.x Version one.5.2
    • eight.11 Version two.0.0
    • eight.12 Version 2.0.1
    • 8.13 Version 2.0.2
    • 8.14 Version two.1.0
  • 9 Oddities
    • ix.1 Mistaken Identity
    • 9.two Untranslated Dialogue
    • ix.3 Hidden Blade
    • 9.4 Jin and Malos' Favorite Items
    • nine.v Bamboozlement Ophion Oddity
    • nine.half dozen Intro Credits


Insta-kill Button Combination

Likely a leftover from development testing. Instantly kills the characters, with a shining beam of calorie-free shooting underneath the leader driver as it happens. To activate it, hold ZL + ZR + L + R + X + D-Pad Down for ~5 seconds (150 frames). Tin be activated in the middle of cutscenes or while talking to NPCs. Interestingly, can be used to activate an upshot like to that of the "Zombie Hover" glitch encountered in Wind Waker speedrunning, as yous tin utilize it to negate all autumn damage.

Internally, information technology is known as an "emergency escape" sequence.

(Source: @NoponDigi(?), .text+003267c8 in the base ROM)

Unused Enemies

Unique Enemies

Rambunctious Valcro

This unique enemy appeared in Gormott during an E3 2017 gameplay demo but is nowhere to exist seen in-game. Dissimilar the other unused enemies, Valcro has a listing on the enemy population table under "ma05a_b01_e3_2", with the naming of his entry implying he may have solely existed for the E3 demo. Despite being flagged equally a Unique Monster, he has no drop tabular array.

Enemy Type/Model Number Aspect Level HP Arts
Ropl, en/en050311 Globe 8 2500
  • Cursed Cuisine
  • Komodo Fire
  • Fin of Fear
Forcefulness Ether Dexterity Agility Luck
1050 650 880 520 800

Relentless Armatan

Some other unused enemy intended for Gormott. Despite having a unique name, it is not flagged as a Unique Monster. Its name is very similar to the used Unique Monster Relentless Arduran, and they both happen to share the same level and are together on the enemy table.

Enemy Type/Model Number Attribute Level HP Arts Drop Table
Bunnit, en/en010101 None 99 1040
  • Leg Breaker
  • Raid Strike
  • Difficult Dig
Affinity Max Evade V (threescore%), Tyrant Ring (100%), Physical Defense Up Five (sixty%), Omega Drive (lx%), Omega Drive (twoscore%), Common Cadre Crystal (125%)
Strength Ether Dexterity Agility Luck
740 820 1100 680 720

Unused Bandits

Ii generic Drivers who despite their names are not Ardanian Soldiers. They're both flagged as story bosses and judging from their low levels and placement on the enemy table, they were likely meant to have been encountered somewhere on Gormott.

Name Enemy Type/Model Number Aspect Level HP Arts Drop Table
Aristocracy Soldier Lowes Humanoid Commuter, np/np413101 None ten 1100
  • Charge Count
  • Spinning Boy
  • Fly Fustigate
Common Core Crystal (75%)

Rare Core Crystal (10%)

Strength Ether Dexterity Agility Luck
820 940 960 600 1500
Blade ID Blade Type Blade Weapon Bract Chemical element Blade Arts Bract Specials
1092 Generic Male Megalance Ice
  • Accuracy Up
  • Back Set on Up
  • Lance of Harm
  • Round Intermission
  • Boomerang pear
  • Splash Lance
Name Enemy Type/Model Number Attribute Level HP Arts Drop Table
Elite Soldier Garmon Humanoid Driver, np/np413102 None 9 1600
  • Muscle Spark
  • Ability Rays
  • Blaster
Common Cadre Crystal (100%)

Rare Core Crystal (30%)

Strength Ether Dexterity Agility Luck
980 800 920 540 1300
Blade ID Blade Blazon Blade Weapon Blade Element Blade Arts Bract Specials
1090 Generic Male Brute Greataxe Fire
  • Arts Plus
  • Disquisitional Up
  • Turbine Axe
  • Axe Break
  • Footing Charge
  • War Swing

Unused Enemy Summons

These enemies are Sovereigns that are role of summon ID 16, and were intended to be summoned by a variant of the Transfer Gate fine art. As said variant goes unused, it leaves no way of encountering these Sovereigns in-game. Aside from their names and lack of drop table, these Sovereigns are more often than not identical to their regular counterparts. I of these unused Sovereigns never had their proper noun translated.

Name Enemy Type/Model Number Attribute Level HP Arts
Rom-Bol Sovereign (Phoebus), en/en070101 None ane 1530
  • Wild Beam
  • Security Boot
Strength Ether Dexterity Agility Luck
860 840 980 740 280
Proper noun Enemy Type/Model Number Attribute Level HP Arts
ソウズ(仮) Sovereign (Kustal), en/en070501 None 1 2110
  • Topspin
  • Laser Round
  • Front Sensor
Strength Ether Dexterity Agility Luck
1200 900 960 790 1300
Name Enemy Type/Model Number Attribute Level HP Arts
Gog-Bol Sovereign (Radclyffe), en/en070601 None 1 1240
  • Laser
  • Backspin
  • Reverse Bolt
  • Cocky Destruct
Strength Ether Dexterity Agility Luck
720 1050 1100 730 210

Unused Items

ID Proper noun Category Rarity Issue Toll Notes
74 Blastoff Telescopic Accessories Common Reduces enemy Topple resist. 7,900 Was intended to drop somewhere in the Cliffs of Morytha.
75 Gamma Scope Accessories Mutual Reduces enemy Launch resist. 16,500 Was intended to driblet somewhere in the Kingdom of Tantal.
15209 Annul Defense force I Aux Core Common Boosts resistance to defence annulling attacks by 25%. 300
15210 Counteract Defense II Aux Cadre Common Boosts resistance to defense annulling attacks past thirty%. 1000
15211 Annul Defense Iii Aux Core Rare Boosts resistance to defense force annulling attacks past 35%. 1800
15212 Annul Defence IV Aux Core Rare Boosts resistance to defence annulling attacks by 40%. 2900
15213 Counteract Defense force V Aux Cadre Legendary Boosts resistance to defense annulling attacks by 50%. 3100
40295 Salted Brog Sauté Pouch Items (Meat) Rare
  • -5% physical dmg taken
  • +15% Party Gauge gain
840 The upshot of this particular lasts for forty minutes. This detail is listed equally being from Gormott Province, and was likely intended to have been obtained there.
45014 Unnamed Core Crystal Core Crystals Rare - 0 Always generates a Wind-element common blade with an Ether Cannon.
45015 Unnamed Core Crystal Core Crystals Rare - 0 Always generates an Ice-element common bract with a Greataxe. Given this and the aforementioned unused cadre crystal always generate a gear up mutual bract, information technology's possible these were intended to accept been given past Gramps, who gives the player a core crystal that always generates a Air current-element common blade with Knuckle Claws equally an introduction to the Blade resonance mechanic.

Unused Text

Hidden Ending Captions

Mythra and Pyra


To do:
Remove the "[ML:undisp ]" tag and see which version of the text plays in-game.

In the game's ending cinematic, Mythra or Pyra, depending on which y'all choose, volition say something to Rex, but no voice line is played, and nothing is captioned. However, in the captions for this scene, located in the file Game\RomFS\bf\bdat\gb\bf10480100_ms.bdat, one can come across that in that location are subtitles for this scene. They are simply hidden with a special tag that marks them every bit undisplayed.

The bolded text is used, for reference to where the lines would be used in the scene had they not been marked every bit hidden.

The subtitles are shown beneath.

ID style (UInt16) name (Cord)
1 82 The residual is upwardly to y'all... My children...
ii 82 [ML:undisp ]Hello, Rex.
3 82 [ML:undisp ]Hello, King.
four 82 [ML:undisp ]Hi, I'g Pyra.
5 82 [ML:undisp ]Hullo, I'm Mythra.
6 82 And thus, male child met daughter.

(Source: Original TCRF inquiry)

"One Terminal Y'all" Lyrics

The lyrics to "One Final You" are written out in the game text itself and play during the ending cutscene. However, they are marked as subconscious and do not actually evidence on-screen.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Pneuma Skill Descriptions


To practice:
Check if this text was translated into all languages.

Pneuma (the "ascended state" of the Aegis) has flavor text for her specials and her unique skills. This text goes unused because Pneuma can only be accessed in boxing, non in the menu.

Her specials:

  • Starburst - "Boom a merciless siren axle through enemies."
  • Radiant Flare - "Assail hostiles with a light-speed attack."
  • Genesis Saber - "Pierce enemies with countless light blades created past ether."
  • Infinity Bract - "Unleash free energy and sever the enemy with a sword of lite."

All of these accept "Adds a 60% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack" as their boosted effect, except for Infinity Blade, which is 100%. That chance could be higher at college Analogousness Chart levels, just those nodes go unused because Pneuma'south chart cannot exist developed.

Her skills:

  • A Dream of the Futurity - "Can initiate elemental combo at random."
  • The Called One - "Greatly enhances the Driver's abilities through the power of the Aegis."
  • The Aegis - "Greatly enhances the party'south abilities through the power of the Aegis."

(Source: Datamined BDATs (1, 2, three))

Inaccessible Weapon Names

Jin and pre-Aegis Male monarch are the two playable characters in the main story that fight without using Blades. Their weapons have names: King wields a Broadsword named Junk Sword, and Jin wields a Nodachi named Masamune. Due to implementation details, you can't meet this data for Rex, and you can't open Jin's menu in the showtime place.

Malos and Sever in the Ancient Ship too wield a Sword Tonfa named Thanatos. You also tin't open Malos' menu to run into this, and this is a dissimilar Sever from the New Game Plus Sever that wields Bringer of the Winds.

Stunned Eat Effect Description

Although y'all can't access Jin's carte in any of his playable appearances in the main game, and thus cannot enhance his arts, there is a description of Stunned Swallow'due south unique effect that would exist used if y'all were to select information technology in the Enhance Arts menu:

"Counters Driver Arts with [100]% of physical impairment and Blowdown."

No other playable grapheme has a Commuter Art with this effect, then this text goes unused.

Unused Enemy Arts

A lot of Arts (unique, variations, or clones) go completely unused.

Unique Unused Arts

  • Dark Force - A Wind-Element Ether art that inflicts Blowdown. Judging by its placement in the arts table, information technology was intended to be used for Eks enemies, every bit it is a slightly stronger variation of the already-used "Forcefulness of Nature".

Unused Art Variations

All arts listed are identical to used variants except for the listed consequence. Unused unnamed arts are not listed, as well-nigh of them appear to be automobile-attacks.

  • Horn Swoop - Inflicts Knockback.
  • Rock Dunk - Has one-half the harm ratio and inflicts Knockback.
  • Earthy Tackle - Lower damage ratio.
  • Pitfall - Earth-chemical element.
  • Male monarch Crawler - Force-inflicts Launch.
  • Back Tail - Lower damage ratio. Strangely is listed as having a Range Type of "I Target", instead of "Behind", like the used variation.
  • Transfer Gate - Summons three enemies: a Rom-Bol, a Gog-Bol, and an enemy that only has a debug name that translates to "Sowz (Provisional)", indicating it is some kind of exam enemy. None of these three enemies are ever seen in-game, and are just listed in the Summon ID for this variant of Transfer Gate, leaving them unused. All the same, all iii enemies are Sovereigns, indicating they may exist unused variations of existing Sovereign enemies institute in the World Tree.
  • Security Kick - Higher chance to inflict Knockback, higher harm ratio.
  • Emergence - This variant summons Svarm Appix. Judging by the name, it was meant to exist used by the Svarm Nest in its quest battle, but the Nest has no arts assigned for information technology to use, leaving this variant unused. Svarm Appix are still used every bit part of the quest battle.
  • Common cold Era - Inflicts Driver Shackle. All Twin-Rings driver enemies utilize i of the two variants of this art, which resets the aggro they have towards party members. The Unique Monster Skyfist Remington uses a unique variant that inflicts Nullify Heal, but this variant goes unused.
  • Ultra Bang-Bang - An unused variant that acts identically to the ones used by Rosa and Giga Rosa. Judging by its placement, information technology was meant to be used past Truthful Rosa in her respective challenge battle. There is also another variant that does not accept a Summon ID assigned to it.
  • Elemental Copy - An unused Variant of the fine art used by Guldos that drains a full department of the party gauge.

There are also full unused movesets for Artifice Colossi and Ardainian Soldiers that are listed with arts for enemies found in the "Torna: The Gilded Country" DLC.

Unused Sounds


In Rex's bract callout lines, a voiceline for Pneuma exists. Presumably this would have been used as the callout proper name for the third Custodianship forme before their existent name was revealed, had the option of choosing between Pyra and Mythra not been implemented. Note that information technology is pronounced differently hither than in the cutscene at the start of Affiliate 8.

Unused Poppi α Intonations


To do:
There are too recordings in both intonations for the trash talk in the Chapter x illusion fight. Which one gets used?

The events of Chapter 4 give Poppi the ability to switch between her original α form and the new QT class. Additionally, although this is never acknowledged past the characters, Poppi begins to speak in a less robotic tone of voice after this point, even when she remains in Poppi α form. To implement this, the game has 2 recordings for every 1 of Poppi α's phonation clips: an "a" take that is spoken in a monotone, and a "b" take that is spoken in an expressive, girly tone.

This includes the clips used for engaging Poppi α in the Engage Blades menu, and those used for switching to Poppi α. But since the tone change happens at the same time as Poppi QT becomes available, the monotone versions of these clips are never used.

"Poppi, powering upwards."

"Alpha past name, alpha by nature."

"Alpha fashion activated."

On the flip side, there is an expressive take of Poppi's mail service-battle conversation with Vandham, which goes unused due to Vandham'southward departing before the tone change.

"Poppi is shaped like girl, but if Vandham *happy*, then Poppi is happy."

Callouts for Unusable Bract Arts

Every Blade has a prune recorded for calling out every possible Blade Fine art, except for Draw Aggro. About of these clips for rare/legendary Blades go unused, as each of these blades can only have certain Bract Arts.

As a representative sample, consider these clips of Pyra saying "Armor Veil" even though she cannot utilize Absorb Damage, and Dromarch saying "Focus" fifty-fifty though he cannot use Disquisitional Up.

Pyra: "Armor Veil!"

Dromarch: "Focus!"

Even Poppi has unused callouts. Poppi α can't equip Air conditioning Recharge Boost, and thus will never say "Quicken Arts" in either of her intonations, and Poppi QT can't equip AC Impairment Absorb, and therefore will never say "Armor Veil".

Poppi α: "Quicken Arts!"

Poppi QT: "Armor Veil!"

Revisional Differences

Version ane.i.0

Released on launch mean solar day, aslope DLC Item Distribution 1.

  • Adds the upshot theater.
  • Adds a Japanese vox selection every bit gratuitous DLC for the U.s. and European versions.
  • Various balance and quality-of-life adjustments.

Version 1.i.1

Released on December 22, 2017, alongside DLC Particular Distribution 2.

  • Fixes progression in five quests: "1 Step Alee", "A Young man's Prize", "The Riddle on the Wall", "Failure and Success", and "Follow your Passion".
  • Adds another size pick for the minimap overlay.
  • Mmercifully grants an Piece of cake fashion for Tiger! Tiger!
  • Adds the power to open up the skip travel menu by pressing X.

Version 1.2.0


To do:
Rip the audio for the Ardanian soldiers.

Released on January 18, 2018, alongside DLC Quest Distribution one and DLC Detail Distribution three.

  • Fixes progression in the quests "The Riddle on the Wall", "Birds of a Feather", and "Precious Yearnings".
  • A problem with Poppi's Skill RAM has been remedied.
  • Voiceovers in the menus can now be skipped, which makes trust grinding far less tedious.

This update also brought a notorious undocumented change to the English language dub: the Ardanian soldier dialogue edit. Their line "Recall y'all can take me?" line was replaced with "Accept this!" (clipped from their other line "Have a expect at this!"), while the "Don't forget me!" line was shortened to "Don't forget!". Additionally, the frequency with which they speak during battle is heavily toned downwardly.

(Source: Nintendo, Xenoblade Wiki)

Version ane.3.0

Released on March 2, 2018.

This is a huge update that introduced New Game Plus, along with the ability to use vii of Torna'southward Blades later starting New Game Plus. It likewise fixed some problems with Perceval'due south Affinity Chart progression, tried to fix the "skilful deeds" issue with Perun's, fixed the "bargain a certain amount of harm in one hit" chart condition, fixed the Trust progression of rare blades that had been released, and fixed a problems that would happen with too many Poppi parts. Additionally, Like shooting fish in a barrel mode and DLC Item Distribution iv were released. Finally, numerous quality-of-life improvements, like calculation the ability to modify the sort order on most menus,

Version 1.3.1

Released on March 30, 2018. This stock-still quite a few bugs:

  • Resolves several bug with mutual Blades and New Game Plus.
  • A softlock in New Game Plus if you didn't have enough money to buy the tutorial items was rectified by adding an NPC.
  • The illusion fights in Chapter 10 are now based on Rex's level in New Game Plus (that mode you tin't but level everyone down to 1 and steamroll them).
  • The Trust progression of rare blades that had been released was cleaved once more.
  • Quest progression: "Whereabouts Unknown," "Marvelous Mercenaries," and "We Meet Once again."
  • A regression where sure buffs had stopped working if the Blade that had them wasn't currently active in battle.
  • Crafting multiple items at a time wasn't working.
  • Location names weren't popping up.
  • The minimap, compass, and skip travel with X would stop working sometimes.
  • The menu wouldn't reflect Mythra's ether mod.
  • Pressing ZL to change blades in the field went in the wrong order if Mythra was engaged.

The update likewise released DLC Quest Distribution two, and started advertising the Expansion Pass (paid DLC) in the bill of fare.

Version 1.4.0

Released on April 27, 2018. This added T-elos and the DLC blade Poppibuster to the game, along with New Game Plus bards who trade bonus experience for rare Poppi parts. Information technology also made Dagas terminate disappearing when starting New Game Plus when he'southward engaged to the Primary Driver, stock-still progression on the quest "Limits of Awareness," stock-still a regression where Lightspeed Flurry didn't proc on Specials, and added more sorting categories to the menus.

Version 1.4.ane

Released on May 24, 2018. Released DLC Quest Distribution 3 and fixed a game crash, among other minor bug fixes.

Version 1.five.0

Released on June xiv, 2018. Another huge update, this one added the DLC Claiming Battle style, where you could fight extremely powerful superbosses and win costumes and amazingly broken equipment. You also got to use the new DLC blades, Shulk and Fiora.

Outside of Challenge Battle, this updated added a Unique Monster Subjugation Report, which keeps runway of the fastest time for killing unique monsters on each difficulty level. It besides added the options to auto-battle and to disable (regular) enemy assailment, and information technology fixed Perun's chart progression for real this time.

Version ane.v.i

Released on July 27, 2018. This fixed a couple flaws in Challenge Battle; specifically, information technology fixed a softlock with Humanoid Alliance, and it fabricated the snakes weaker on Like shooting fish in a barrel mode in Assail of the Aspar (which really doesn't brand that challenge easier). It as well added even more costume rewards, along with items that can max out Tora's Idea levels as Challenge Battle rewards.

The update also distributed the second DLC blade, Crossette, and added the hard style "Bringer of Chaos" and the custom difficulty setting for those who bought the DLC. And if y'all bring Shulk or Fiora to Alrest, yous have the option of playing You Volition Know Our Names instead of the default unique monster music.

But if y'all didn't buy the DLC, at least the update permit you craft the "Shackle Blade Resist" Skill RAM modules for Poppi.

Version one.v.2

Released August 24, 2018. This update distributed the DLC blade Corvin and added some new missions to Challenge Battle. There's one mission to get the last DLC blade, Elma, a second mission where you lot fight Elma and an army of ghosts, and a third mission where you are strongly recommended to wear the swimsuit items that were also conveniently introduced.

Version two.0.0

Released September 14, 2018. Stock-still a issues where certain quests would freeze, fixed another bug where Elma couldn't Overdrive if you turned off auto-boxing in the middle of a fight, released the Final Item Distribution DLC, and bolted Torna: The Golden State onto the main menu if you bought the Expansion Pass.

Version 2.0.1

Released Oct 18, 2018. Fixed Rex's outfit in the ending, fixed a bug where Dagas would change Drivers, and brought the associated copy of Torna: The Golden State to v1.0.1.

Version 2.0.2


To practice:
Were there any undocumented changes in this update?

Released November 30, 2018. To commemorate the first ceremony of the game and the release of Super Nail Bros. Ultimate, this update distributed the "Massive Melee Mythra" aux core, which changes Mythra'due south design to the i used for her Spirit in SSBU (and gives Mythra an fifty-fifty higher critical hit rate).

Version two.i.0

Released September 2, 2020. Adds support for Korean.


Mistaken Identity


To do:
Find out which version stock-still this mistake.

Strangely, when Mòrag switches her active Blade to Brighid, she calls Dromarch's name instead of Brighid's. Mòrag cannot utilize Dromarch at all due to him being sectional to Nia, and later Rex. This voice clip was later swapped out in a patch for one of Mòrag correctly calling for Brighid.

Untranslated Dialogue


To exercise:
Get a screenshot of this, and detect out if and when this oversight got fixed.

On the balcony overlooking the refugee camp in Indol at night, a female Gormotti NPC can exist found. Talking to her reveals her dialogue was never translated into English.

Hidden Blade

While not unused per se, Rex (during his brief time wielding the Broadsword) and Jin are stealth-equipped with a Blade named Utsuro. In add-on, the weapon class Jin uses is named Nodachi, which cannot be seen in-game.

Jin and Malos' Favorite Items

Despite both of them only beingness in the party briefly and existence unable to use Pouch items, Jin and Malos have favorite items defined. Jin likes Staple Foods and Seafood, with his favorite items beingness Oyster Stir-Fry and The Millenarian Titan. Malos likes Desserts and Art, with his favorite items being Grilled Anchortail and Argentum Noodle Soup.

While Jin later on became fully playable in the game's prequel Torna: The Gilded Land, his favorite items were changed.

Artifice Ophion Oddity

Artifice Ophion, the Level 117 Superboss institute at Gotrock Oracle Ruins during the final chapter of the game, has his Strength stat go "unused". On Normal difficulty, Ophion has 3,468 Force and 1,907 Ether... except for the fact that Ophion only uses Ether arts and does not utilize auto-attacks in the conventional sense, instead using the "Plasma Cannon" Art due to its very fast recharge. This ways that Ophion'southward Strength stat is pretty much completely unused.

Intro Credits

The Japanese Intro Cutscene lists credits for Sound Direction to Shigeru Chiba, but this was replaced with blank text in the international versions. It seems notwithstanding that at 1 point they were planning to credit the English vox directors here, as there are unused images with the names of the two English language directors which employ an older font.


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